Thursday, December 22, 2011

Jazz Fever!!

A couple of weeks ago Ryan and I took my brother and sister to the Energy Solutions Arena to see the reveal of the new Jazz jersey. It was pretty crazy when we went their was a ton of people and a lot of cameras! We were hoping to see some of the Jazz players, but we only saw the Jazz Bear. When we went they were giving out free hot dogs and drinks and we all got T-shirts. The best part was that we got free tickets to a pre season game, they didn't have that many, so we were lucky that we got some.

Jazz Game!! Jazz vs Trailblazers!!
The free tickets we got were pretty good seats. It was a lot closer than we ever have been before. I have always been a Jazz fan, but with the new team we have this year I wasn't that excited to go to the game. But I was wrong, going to the game was a lot funner then I expected, it was a really good game and the crowd and the energy in the arena is so much better than watching it on tv. Lets hope the Jazz have a good season this year!!

The Jazz won 92 to 89!! It was a close game which made it more intense and the crowd was going crazy those last couple of minutes!!

Okay so the craziest part of the night was after the game. We were stuck in traffic trying to get out of the game. We were so low on gas and we couldn't find a gas station anywhere. So we had to go out of our way to get to a gas station, we finally found one. It was a pretty scary gas station and I thought we might get robbed. So Ryan when in to pay for gas while I locked the doors and then this really nice car pulled up next to us. I was busy checking out the nice car before I slowly realized that it was Paul Millsap!! Ryan came back and everyone started freaking out in the car, we finally got out of the car and asked if we could take a picture! It was pretty funny and my brother was even wearing a Millsap jersey!! The whole way home we were all so excited and all we could talk about was meeting Millsap at a gas station!!


Ryan, Alyse, Paetyn and Ashton said...

Ooh my word that is awesome you guys!! Wow crazy look at you guys your celebs:) Love ya lol

Mindy Thomas said...

Sounds like fun! That is really cool that you saw Paul Millsap. Nice job tanner for wearing his jersey.